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Адрес магазина: Санкт-Петербург, Литейный пр., 57

A Mind of Its Own

643 ₽
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Автор Fine C.
Издательство Icon Book
Год издания 2007
Переплет Мягкий
Страниц 256
Формат 130x200 мм
Язык Английский
ISBN 978-1-84046798-7
Артикул 1169001
Perhaps your brain seems to stumble when faced with the 13 times table, or persistently fails to master parallel parking. But you're in control of it, right?

Sorry. Think again.

Dotted with popular explanations of social psychology research and fascinating real-life examples, A Mind of Its Own tours the less salubrious side of human psychology. Psychologist Cordelia Fine shows that the human brain is in fact stubborn, emotional and deceitful, and teaches you everything you always wanted to know about the brain - and plenty you probably didn't.

Icon Book

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