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Адрес магазина: Санкт-Петербург, Литейный пр., 57

Access for All: Sao Paulo's Architectural Infrastructures

8007 ₽
В наличии 1 шт.
Издательство Park Book ,
Год издания 2019
Переплет Твёрдый
Страниц 224
Формат 210x280 мм
Язык Английский
ISBN 978-3-03860163-0
Артикул 1157311
Like all mega-cities around the globe, Sгo Paulo faces huge challenges. Yet despite these manifold and daunting tasks, the Brazilian metropolis has since the 1960s maintained a prudent policy of investing in communal infrastructure, thus providing inclusive places and spaces for all of its 20m-population. While many cities aim for a 'Bilbao-effect' by funding iconic, tourist-orientated projects such as museums or theatres, Sгo Paulo persistently supports programs and usages that serve its permanent residents.

This book, published in conjunction with an exhibition at A.M. Architekturmuseum der TU Mьnchen, features a selection of these buildings and programs from five decades. Ranging from a simple canopy over a public park to vast multifunctional buildings, they provide spaces for sports and culture, education, healthcare, or gastronomy. Rather than merely serving a specific purpose, their key role is to be places for people spending time together.

With contributions by Renato Anelli, Josй Tavares Correia de Lira, Fraya Frehse, Vanessa Grossman, Andres Lepik, Ana Luiza Nobre, Daniel Talesnik, and Guilherme Wisnik; and a conversation with Paulo Mendes da Rocha and Marta Moreira by Enrique Walker. Photographs by Ciro Miguel.

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