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Адрес магазина: Санкт-Петербург, Литейный пр., 57

Artisans of Israel: Transcending Tradition

1967 ₽
Нет в наличии.
Автор Lynn Holstein
Издательство Arnoldsche Art
Год издания 2017
Переплет Твёрдый
Страниц 260
Формат 225x307 мм
Язык Несколько языков
ISBN 978-3-89790501-6
Артикул 1176783
Artisans of Israel is a very special book on crafts. Author Lynn Holstein is in search of a national identity in the artisanry of the still young country - and she finds it in the unifying pursuit for innovation. Forty artists, including Jews, Muslims and Christians, tell their stories and show in five different trades how emancipation can be promoted through creativity. Working with one's hands stands unfailingly at the centre of this reflection. From the hybrid of cultural and religious backgrounds emerges a unique compilation that brings together the fields of metalwork and jewellery, ceramics, textiles, paper and wood. This compilation portrays a sensitive and inspiring portrait of Israel and its inhabitants. This book accompanies an exhibition at The Open Museum, Tefen (IL), in January 2018.

Text in English, Hebrew and Arabic.

Arnoldsche Art

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