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Адрес магазина: Санкт-Петербург, Литейный пр., 57

Every Wall is a Door: Urban Art

6205 ₽
В наличии 2 шт.
Издательство Benteli Verlag
Год издания 2018
Переплет Твёрдый
Страниц 200
Формат 200x298 мм
Язык Английский
ISBN 978-3-71651845-8
Артикул 1147918
Stenciled art on the street, a sticker on a rolling gate, huge paintings on building walls, artistic lettering, or a mosaic: the variations of urban art are seemingly unlimited and endless – and the works omnipresent around the world.

Following a focused summary of the current develop- ments of the global urban arts scene, the extensive documentation of outstanding works is at the core of the book. The main theme is authenticity, only works that were personally seen and experienced by the authors are presented. The book also aims to discover what motivates the artists to express their creativity in the public realm, to test boundaries, and create works that invite us to ponder and wonder.

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