Professor Persikov, an eccentric zoologist, stumbles upon a new light ray that accelerates growth and reproduction rates in living organisms. In the wake of a plague that has decimated the country's poultry stocks, Persikov's discovery is exploited as a means to correct the problem. As foreign agents, the state and the Soviet media all seize upon the red ray, matters get out of hand - Set in 1928 but written four years earlier, during Stalin s rise to power, The Fatal Eggs is both an early piece of science fiction reminiscent of H.G. Wells and a biting, brilliant satire on the consequences of the abuse of power and knowledge.
Fatal Eggs is part of Alma Classics's The Mikhail Bulgakov Collection which includes A Young Doctor's Notebook, A Dog's Heart, Black Snow, Diaboliad and Other Stories, Notes on a Cuff and Other Stories, The Fatal Eggs, The Life of Monsieur de Moliere, The Master and Margarita, The White Guard
Alma Classics is committed to make available the widest range of literature from around the globe. All the titles are provided with an extensive critical apparatus, extra reading material including a section of photographs and notes. The texts are based on the most authoritative edition (or collated from the most authoritative editions or manuscripts) and edited using a fresh, intelligent editorial approach. With an emphasis on the production, editorial and typographical values of a book, Alma Classics aspires to revitalize the whole experience of reading the classics.