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Адрес магазина: Санкт-Петербург, Литейный пр., 57

Избранные произведения. Для фортепиано

1192 ₽
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Автор Сати Э.
Издательство Музыка
Год издания 2015
Переплет Мягкий
Страниц 80
Формат 215х290 мм
ISBN 979-0-001-14777-4
Артикул 1168343
The present volume contains a selection of the best-known and most popular pieces by Satie, including Gymnopedies and Gnossiennes, but also two early works (1885), compositions from the neo-Gregorian period (1888-1893) and from the world of the cabaret (1897-1904) as well as two miniatures from 1913.This anthology takes the performer on a journey through Satie's different creative periods and provides a detailed picture of his development as a composer.

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