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Адрес магазина: Санкт-Петербург, Литейный пр., 57

Leave it to Psmith

1476 ₽
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Автор Wodehouse P. G.
Издательство Random House
Год издания 2008
Переплет Мягкий
Страниц 352
Формат 129x198 мм
Язык Английский
ISBN 0-09-951379-X
Артикул 1126184
In the Angler's Rest, drinking hot scotch and lemon, sits one of Wodehouse's greatest raconteurs. Mr Mulliner, his vivid imagination lubricated by Miss Postlethwaite the barmaid, has fabulous stories to tell of the extraordinary behaviour of his far-flung family: in particular there's Wilfred, inventor of Raven Gypsy face-cream and Snow of the Mountain Lotion, who lights on the formula for Buck-U-Uppo, a tonic given to elephants to enable them to face tigers with the necessary nonchalance. Its explosive effects on a shy young curate and then the higher clergy is gravely revealed. Then there's his cousin James, the detective-story writer, who has inherited a cottage more haunted than anything in his own imagination. And Isadore Zinzinheimer, head of the Bigger, Better & Brighter Motion Picture Company. Tall tales all - but among Wodehouse's best.
Random House

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