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Адрес магазина: Санкт-Петербург, Литейный пр., 57

Paperscapes Alice in Wonderland: turn Lewis Carroll's classic story into a beautiful work of art

1966 ₽
Нет в наличии.
Автор Wood S.
Издательство Carlton Books Limited
Год издания 2019
Переплет Твёрдый
Страниц 94
Формат 158х220 мм
Язык Английский
ISBN 1-78312-485-7
Артикул 1126252
In this unique book, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is retold in beautiful paperscape scenes and accessible writing. It is an unforgettable story full of curious images — a white rabbit consulting his pocket watch, a grinning cat, a mad hatter's tea party, a croquet match with flamingos and a young girl called Alice.

This beautiful book displays these wonderful images in a series of intricate die-cut pages that form layered scenes. Children will enjoy studying the scenes while reading the evocative writing, and in so doing discover the classic tale in a thoroughly unique and charming way.

Paperscapes: the book that transform into a work of art. Whether you're interested in reading a classic from Lewis Carroll, exploring the cityscape of London or learning about plants and animals, Paperscapes books offer everything a traditional book would, and then uses innovative design and beautiful illustrations to let readers turn their book into a work of art.

Carlton Books Limited

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