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Адрес магазина: Санкт-Петербург, Литейный пр., 57

Some Kids I Taught And What They Taught Me

1845 ₽
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Автор Clanchy K.
Издательство MACMILLAN
Год издания 2020
Переплет Мягкий
Страниц 288
Формат 129x196 мм
Язык Английский
ISBN 978-1-50984031-1
Артикул 1153496
Kate Clanchy wants to change the world and thinks school is an excellent place to do it. She invites you to meet some of the kids she has taught in her thirty-year career.Join her as she explains everything about sex to a classroom of thirteen-year-olds. As she works in the school ‘Inclusion Unit’, trying to improve the fortunes of kids excluded from regular lessons because of their terrifying power to end learning in an instant. Or as she nurtures her multicultural poetry group, full of migrants and refugees, watches them find their voice and produce work of heartbreaking brilliance.

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