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Адрес магазина: Санкт-Петербург, Литейный пр., 57

Still Reigning

778 ₽
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Автор The Queen [of Twitter @Queen_UK]
Издательство Duckworth
Год издания 2015
Переплет Мягкий
Страниц 272
Формат 130x199 мм
Язык Английский
ISBN 978-0-71564958-9
Артикул 1134916
Sixty years on the throne. Only the second monarch to celebrate a Diamond Jubilee. Its been a challenge, one doesnt mind telling you. But despite it all, ones still here. Still keeping the ship afloat, still in charge, still iconic, still keeping the gin industry in business, still ruling the world. Still reigning. God Save One. On Politics & State Occasions: Winston Churchill used to write the best speeches, of course. In those days, before TV cameras in the house, one could have a bit of fun and read them out in assorted accents. Ones Gandhi impression had the Lords in tears of laughter once. Those were the days. On the Royal Birth: Traditionally, of course, royal births were witnessed by the Home Secretary and Archbishop of Canterbury, but weve decided that they neednt bother this time, although William promised to text them a photo from his iPhone, just to put their minds at rest, on the strict understanding that they didnt upload it to Facebook. The last thing we need is a French magazine publishing them. On America: One thinks of them as a mother thinks of a teenage boy: with a mixture of pride and exasperation. Although there is no denying that the American division of the British Armed forces has been awfully useful over time, even if they do have a habit of turning up late for wars and then taking the credit.

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