For their own safety, the peoplewho live in this fortified city arenot allowed to leave their homesafter dusk. After curfew, a strangecharacter with a lamp —the NightWatchman —patrols the windingstreets and alleyways, assisted bybirds on the rooftops, dogs in thelanes, and rats underground. Asboth guardian and policeman, theNight Watchman will relentlesslyhunt down any intruder who threatensthe peace and security of his city.Nothing and no one has disturbedhis nightly routine —until now …A beautifully written story fullof suspense, The Night Watchmantells a fascinating tale of surveillance,betrayal, friendship, andlove. Jeremie Fischer’s remarkableimages elevate the book to anartful illustrated novel, and Jean-Baptiste Labrune’s words render ita modern classic with a narrativerelatable on many levels.