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Адрес магазина: Санкт-Петербург, Литейный пр., 57

The Story of Wine: From Noah to Now

5195 ₽
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Издательство Academie du Vin Librar
Год издания 2022
Переплет Мягкий
Страниц 496
Формат 180x245 мм
Язык Английский
ISBN 978-1-91314106-6
Артикул 1176836
“Who better to supply us with our first comprehensive historical survey than the wine writer with the magic pen, Hugh Johnson?” - Jancis Robinson MW

Hugh Johnson has led the literature of wine in many new directions over a 60-year career. His classic The Story of Wine is his most enthralling and enduring work, winner of every wine award in the UK and USA. It tells with wit, scholarship and humor how wine became the global phenomenon it is today, varying from mass-produced plonk to rare bottles fetching many thousands. It ranges from Noah to Napa, Pompeii to Prohibition to Pomerol, gripping, anecdotal, personal, controversial and fun. This new edition includes Hugh’s view on the changes wine has seen in the past 30 years. In his Foreword the celebrated historian Andrew Roberts writes: "The genius of The Story of Wine derives from the fact that it is emphatically not a dry-as-dust academic history – there are dozens of those – but an adventure story, full of mysteries, art and culture."

Academie du Vin Librar

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